Wild Women’s Project: Uniting Women to Connect and Lead Our Community

I am passionate about connecting people, thrilled to hear people’s stories, and inspired to bring the best out of myself, my environment, my community and all those I meet. After five years in a traditional agency routine, six months on the road through Alaska and the West, and three years as a co-founder at BoldBrew, a public relations and marketing shop, this is my mantra: this is why I do what I do, live where I live, and am who I am. And so, last summer, BoldBrew launched the Wild Women’s Project, a space for women to gather, converse and ignite action on the outlook of creativity, conservation, connection and commerce in the outdoor community.

In the arena that is the outdoor community today, we wanted to give women a space to truly connect, away from trade shows, competitions and massive events, at a place with enough freedom for creative minds to flow, enough inspiration for new ideas to grow, and enough momentum for knowledge and opportunities to flourish. We began with a simple high country hut trip. A place for diverse writers, athletes, leaders, activists and entrepreneurs to meet, be inspired and cooperate. A shelter free of judgement, bias or ridicule. A setting so vast and primal, it sparks a deep-seeded motivation. People so unique, each one has something unforgettable to bring to the table.

With dawn patrol hikes, morning meditation and trail runs to high country lakes, we set out to create an environment where the most important topics of our community today were naturally addressed by some of the most dedicated minds. We got creative watercoloring Jungmaven and Eddie Bauer T-shirts, a bit giggly over happy hour yoga, and personal about our connections to the outdoors around the campfire.

We didn’t have all the answers, but asking the right questions was the best place to start. We examined the competitive nature among ambitious women today and continued adverse perspectives on strong women leaders. We wondered why the hut was more or less filled with women of similar race and background. We challenged the public lands conversations taking place in our community today. We demanded more involvement in environmental issues that affect us all. And we left focusing on what we can all do moving forward to better our community together.

In the three fleeting months since our July beta trip, new non-profits have formed, business ventures have advanced, and conversations and connections on our social impact have thrived—and this is just the beginning.  

What’s next? Of course, more hut trips, serving as a catalyst for new ventures, ideas and actions in the outdoor community. Collaborations with other amazing modern women’s groups like No Man’s Land Film Fest and Wylder Goods. Non-profit alliances, locally, in the San Juan Mountains, and on a national level. Brand partnerships with businesses that believe in our mission and are excited to help the women in our community lead their endeavors. And most importantly, always keeping our “why” front and center because hiking, camping and hanging with a crew full of amazing women is honestly not enough if we aren’t uniting our strengths and knowledge to lead progress, innovation and change.

We started Wild Women’s Project to connect the amazing people that we believe in, in a new way, in order to drive change to the challenges our community faces today, and we couldn’t be more thrilled for the infinite possibilities to come.  

xx Amanda Goad

Images by Amanda Goad

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