Organic Climbing

Organic Climbing specializes in custom orders and created a life-sized replica of the RANGE flag for us to mess around with. Pretty freaking cool.  

Like a Louisville Slugger or a pair of Nike Air Jordans, the Organic crash pad is considered to be a must-have piece of gear for the sport of bouldering. Go to almost any spot and you’ll likely find the bright pads strewn about the woods. Widely heralded as the go-to pad for highballs and heavy use, the American-made company builds each pad in the Pennsylvania mountains just outside the town of Philipsburg. Employing eight full-time employees, their goal is to make a consistent, tried-and-true product. Each pad is carefully stitched by hand and no two pads are alike. Using contrasting colors and bold, vibrant patterns, Organic has created a unique, artistic style, all while building a safe and durable crash pad. Being a near-zero waste facility, Organic recycles virtually all their scraps into different styles of chalk bags and small packs. There’s a sense of pride in owning certain pieces of climbing gear and Organic pad owners feel this in spades. Nothing beats the satisfaction of a perfect landing on brightly colored Organic pads when you’re high above the ground, other than not landing on them at all.


This article was originally published in RANGE Magazine Issue Three.

Photos taken of climber Julie Ellison in Mickey’s Beach and Lake Tahoe, CA by Alton Richardson.


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