Kassia Surf: Modern Day Mermaid

In an echoing concrete space in downtown Los Angeles, Kassia Meador and friends have built a beach fort for the Parachute Market design show, complete with poured sand floor and repurposed pallet table. Huge pieces of salvaged driftwood and surfboards are lashed together with rope, while the brand’s psychedelic tie-dye wetsuits hang from sun-bleached branches. The mood is undeniably Kassia. If she’s not at the beach, she’s bringing a slice of coastal sunshine with her wherever she goes. From her photography subjects to her distinctive design choices, all of Kassia’s endeavors revolve around surfing. She is a self-proclaimed modern day mermaid with a namesake line of wetsuits, the most necessary functional garment for getting stoked in California.

Although many brands indulge in dreamy campaign images of bikinis and boardshorts, wetsuits are the reality for year-round surfers who aren’t living the island life. And in most cases wetsuits are painfully boring, available in solid black or black, plus a side panel of color. For women, this color option means, wait for it, magenta or turquoise.

“I’ve spent most of my surfing life in a wetsuit and have always felt it was the most pure fashion statement a surfer could make,” says Kassia who grew up surfing Malibu’s famous First Point, the aquatic runway of surf style. She recognized that wetsuits were an overlooked canvas. “It’s really what we wear in the water that separates us from the pack. It’s a platform to accentuate your flair and personal style.”

A former ROXY-sponsored rider, Kassia herself is a brand, a true role model for the outsider surfer girl. She doesn’t fit the mold of ultra-competitive athlete and contest surfer, nor is she a spokesperson more well-known for her bikini body than surfing skills. Kassia represents the growing number of women who bring as much style to surfing as a classical dancer, riding waves with an intricate, two step technique, which is mesmerizing to watch. This tribe, comprised of Kassia’s extended circle of free-spirits, musicians and artists, values style as much as function. And as their numbers grow, so does her core customer base.   

Kassia isn’t the first to make design-driven wetsuits, but she certainly had a hand in moving the needle when it comes to style. Her K. Meador wetsuit collection for ROXY was a frontrunner, introducing bright, colored panels and illustrations in 2010, and her own KASSIA line refines her point-of-view even further.  

“Everyone has their own eye, their own vibe, their own way of transferring their energy through creative outlets. As long as you stay true to your voice, it will always shine through,” she says. Kassia’s otherworldly aesthetic permeates the entire collection, her cosmic tie-dye print neoprene is paired with premium slick smoothie rubber. The neoprene acts as a windproof shell, while infrared heat liners provide extra insulation. Articulated knees mold to the body and shorter ankle lengths help water to flush out. The suits even feature a spare stash pocket for keys or Kassia’s in-house Palo Santo-infused wax. Every detail is considered.

But as a strategic move, Kassia prefers to work away from the sea. She starts her day by the ocean in Santa Monica before heading downtown to work in her studio on photography or new designs. “It’s just nice to feel the different pulse of energy of all the creative creatures living, working and existing downtown, and not be distracted by the surf,” she said. Even mermaids are known to surface and bask in the sun. “Life is all about balance.”


This article was originally published in RANGE Magazine Issue Three.

Photos by Dane Peterson.


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