Basket Art House: A Creative Studio for Environmental Non-Profits

As many in our nation hold their breath as the new administration takes office and awaits the possible ramifications for our environment, it’s comforting to know that there are a variety of grassroots and established non-profit organizations on the ground working to protect the Earth. What’s important now is to focus our energy on supporting those organizations and their work in any way we can, and Geoff Holstad, Apparel Graphic Designer at Patagonia and Director of the roaming creative residency Cabin-Time–see RANGE Magazine Issue Five for more information–has launched a new non-profit venture called Basket Art House to do exactly that.

Having already recruited a number of like-minded designers and web developers, Basket will provide an assortment of pro bono creative services to other 501(c)(3) organizations charged with protecting the environment. Geoff’s vision for the creative studio is wide-reaching, ranging from offering logo, marketing material and website design to creating an open-source database of resources for environmental non-profits to access.

“Amidst growing political divide, national frustration, the echo chamber of a self-obsessed social media, and institutionalized climate denial, Basket will work as a radically positive not-for-profit creative studio resource for those environmental NGOs on the front lines of direct action,” Geoff says. “We are here to listen and help tell in your words. We will design your organization’s logo and your fundraiser tees, your website, posters, flyers and Powerpoint presentations. It is said, that every successful campaign starts with a bumper sticker.”

While the future of our country’s environmental protection policies may be uncertain, we can rest assured that altruistic members of our society like Geoff and others who work for non-profit organizations with the Earth’s best interest in mind will do all they can to ensure our planet’s safety. For more information on Basket Art House, visit basketart.house.

This article was originally published in RANGE Zine Issue Six.

xx Alex

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