RANGE Magazine Issue 11: Call for Submissions

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RANGE Magazine is a biannual print publication dedicated to the outdoor, active and lifestyle markets. We provide content that ignites discussion of design, style, trend and industry movement, and we love unique stories that bring something new and fresh to the table. We are always excited to accept unsolicited submissions from writers, photographers, artists and brand creatives, and have outlined the guidelines for doing so below.

RANGE Magazine – Issue 11 // Origins

The Summer 2019 issue is dedicated to origin, culture, and land.

Mother Nature has called out to us since the inception of time, singing her siren song to generation after generation. That primal draw to the outdoors can awaken in us a sense of purpose and meaningful connection to people, place and planet. But for some, this awakening is a complex journey filled with uncertainty and manmade roadblocks.

We stand at a crossroads in the industry as we reflect on the intersection of our personal and professional lives. We’re truly privileged to be part of a global community, one that contains multitudes yet shares infinite common threads. We all remember the first time we felt empowered by the wind on our face or the smell of the earth under our feet. The sunrise filling the sky with an amber glow or the reflection of the moon shining off the water. These moments of connection with the environment strengthen our own communal bonds and remind us we can all relate to these themes in one way or another.

If we’ve learned any lessons about our interconnectedness, we also know “the whole is greater than the sum of its parts.” When we work together to solve a problem, we achieve more than if we go it alone. We must pass this knowledge down and give credit where credit is due, paying homage to both the architects of the outdoor industry and the larger-than-life icons we’ve always known — and those we have yet to meet.

The lineage of the land we recreate on is the sum of the millions of people, traditions, ideas, and mythologies that have protected and honored this shared space. It’s our responsibility to unearth everyone’s story and give agency to the healers, the makers, the explorers, the artists, and the adventurers who’ve broken trail before us.

We invite you to contribute your insights and experiences to RANGE Magazine Issue 11: Origins.

XX Jeanine

**The submissions deadline for Issue 11 is March 22, 2019**

Topics we’re interested in!

  • The Environment –  Ecology, stewardship and conservation, environmental activism.
  • Athletes + Ambassadors – Their evolving role in the industry.
  • Apparel, Gear + Materials – Gear history, vintage gear, evolutions of materials or fabric technologies, lineage of iconic patterns and prints.
  • Icons of Outdoor – Unsung heroes, heroines, rebels, and innovators.
  • Design – Handcrafted tools, natural techniques, leather work, natural dyeing.
  • Analog Activities – Tracking, survival, birding, orienteering.


If you would like to submit an idea to RANGE Magazine, please read the following:

  1. All submissions must be original.
  2. We cannot guarantee placement, but we promise to read through all submitted work. Our team is mighty, but small, so unfortunately, we cannot respond to all pitches. If we decide to move forward with your submission for the upcoming issue, we will let you know within two to three weeks.
  3. Please keep in mind that content decisions are made about three months ahead of publications dates. Our issues are published every June and January.
  4. Photography and Art Submissions – Please email submissions@thisisrange.com with the following:
    • A short bio, your work and why you are interested in contributing to RANGE Magazine. If your work has been previously published, please let us know by which outlet.
    • If you have a particular story to pitch, please submit a brief outline of your idea.
    • Please provide links or attachments to work samples.
  1. For Editorial Submissions – Please email submissions@thisisrange.com with the following:
    • A short bio, your work and why you are interested in contributing to RANGE Magazine. If your work has been previously published, please let us know by which outlet.
    • If you have a particular story to pitch, please submit a brief outline of your idea.
    • All stories MUST be accompanied by hi-res images or illustrations. If you do not have artwork to accompany the piece, this must be noted with submission.
    • All written content submissions must be unpublished elsewhere.
    • Please provide links or attachments to work samples.
  1. For Advertising + Branded Content Inquiries – Please email whitney@thisisrange.com to discuss packages.


 Read past issues of RANGE Magazine and pick up a physical copy of RANGE Magazine Issue 10 HERE.